
Thursday, July 4, 2019


Cheers to Rosé!

A few weeks ago, I attended the Wine & Spirit Festival at Sugar Beach in Toronto and it was so much fun. I hung out at the LCBO Rosé Cabana Lounge with wonderful people and learned some amazing facts about rosé. I also found my new favourite was a good day!

At the LCBO Rosé Cabana Lounge we got the chance to try four different rosés.

It was so nice to try so many different types of wines from all different countries. I also learned a lot while tasting rosé at the LCBO Rosé lounge. 

Fun Facts about Rosé
  • Rosé is the easiest thing to pair with foods
  • Some heat or spice in your food can bring out the fruit in your rosé
  • Colour does not dictate how sweet or dry the rosé will be
  • Shrimp is great with rosé
I was shocked when I learned that the colour of rosé has nothing to do with how sweet or dry it will be. I always assumed a darker rosé would be super sweet and the lighter rosé would be dry. Not the case! The colour just depends on how thick or thin the skin is and how long the winemaker lets the juice sit in their skins.

 I found a new favourite rosé while I was taste testing at the LCBO lounge. Red Knot Rosé is absolutely delicious. This rosé blends together pinot noir, shiraz and grenache. It has such a gorgeous crisp, citrus and floral taste. This is so refreshing for summer. It would be perfect for a cottage weekend or a backyard dinner!

How cute is this LCBO Rosé Cabana lounge!? If you missed the opportunity to visit the Wine & Spirit festival last weekend you can still check out the LCBO Rosé Lounge at Sounds of Leslieville July 5-7 and Canadian Food Truck Festival in Burlington July 19-21.

 I'm so excited to keep trying new rosés throughout the summer because LCBO released 17 new rosé brands!

I would love to know what your favourite rosé is!?

-Sydney Hoffman

*This post was sponsored by LCBO. However, the views and opinions expressed in this blogpost are purely my own.*


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